Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cyberware: Cyber Audio

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Cyberaudio M - Basic hearing module. No option limit. 500 2D6 CP p.87
Amplified Hearing N AH +1 Aware when using auditory cues. 200 1 CP p.88
Radio Link N RL Radio communication up to 1 mile 100 1 CP p.87
Phone Splice N PS Full cellular communication ( large city only) 150 1 CP p.87
Scrambler N SC Cannot overhear communications w/out descrambler 100 0.5 CP p.87
Bug Detector N BD Detect taps, bugs up to 3m. 60% effective 200 0.5 CP p.87
Voice Stress Analyzer N VSA Lie detector. +2 Human Perception, Interrogation skills 200 1 CP p.88
Sound Editing N SE +2 Aware to overhear one specific conversation 150 0.5 CP p.88
Enhanced Hearing Range N EH Ability to hear supersonic, subsonic ranges 150 2 CP p.88
Wearman N WM Stereo music system 100 0.5 CP p.88
Radar Detector N RD Beeps if radar beam is encountered, fixes source (40%) 150 0.5 CP p.88
Homing Tracer N HT Can follow tracer up to 1 km distant (25eb/sender) 200 0.5 CP p.88
Tight Beam Radio Link N TBR Allows untappable radio comm. Within line of sight  200 1 CP p.88
Wide Band Radio Scanner N WB Will pick up all transmissions on all bands. A scanner 100 2 CP p.88
Micro-recorder Link N MR Transmits to recorder in body or via plugs 100 0.5 CP p.88
Digital Recording Link N DR Transmits sounds to digital recorder 100 0.5 CP p.88
Level Damper N LD Automatic noise compensator 300 0.5 CP p.88
Frequency Changer N FC Up to 6 channels on radio splice option 100 0 CH1 p.39
Soviet Cyberaudio M SVA (50% of extra D6 HC &-1 ATTR). May have only 2 options 100 2D6 CH4 p.7
Neural/Audio ULF Transceiver N ULF Send/receive Ultra-Low Frequency communication. Used in water. 200 1D6/2 FS1 p.28

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