Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cyberware: Bioware

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

CYBERWARE Srg Code Description Cost HC Source
Grafted Muscle MA GR Up to +2 increase to Body Type  l,000 per pt 2D6 CP p.85
Muscle and Bone Lace N MBL Raises Body Type by+2 1,500 D6/2 CP p.85
Enhanced Antibodies N EA Improve Healing by+1 points per day 3,000 D6/2 CP p.85
Skinweave N SKW SP  Spotting Check ATTR loss  2,000 2D6 CP p.85
6 Impossible (35+) None 1,000 1D6 C2 p.9
8 Impossible (30) None 1,250 1D6+1 C2 p.9
10 Very Difficult (25) None 1,600 1D6+3 C2 p.9
12 Difficult (20) -1 (50%) 2,000 2D6 C2 p.9
14 Difficult (20) -1 2,400 2D6+2 C2 p.9
16 Average (15) -2 2,750 2D6+4 C2 p.9
Toxin Binders N TBN Improve Poison, Drug Saves by+4 3,000 D6/2 CP p.85
Nanosurgeons N NSR Doubles healing rate 6,000 D6/2 CP p.85
Anti-Plague N AP +3 BOD vs. Disease or Biowar agents 1,750 0.5 C1 p.39
Lifesaver N LS Advances Death Levels every 4 minutes, 
+1/day to healing.
4,500+1,000 1D6/2+1 C1 p.39
Nanoopitical Upgrade N NU Gives IR and Ultraviolet sight. Causes blindness 
in beginning
1,500 1D6/2 C2 p.8
Nano-Groomers N NGR 3 different types. 1stgives +2 Personal Grooming, 
+1/additional one.
400eb ea. 0.5 C3 p.26
Nitrogen Binders N NBR Prevents "the bends". Reduces depressurization 
by 100%. Upkeep 400eb/mo. 
1400 1-2 C4 p.17
Advanced Muscle &  Bone Lace N MBL1 MBL3 Body Type increase by +1 Body Type increase 
by +3 
1000 3000 1-2 1D6+1 C4 p.17
Skeletal Enhancement, Alpha M TBSA Increases Body Type by +1 for Str Feats, Lifting, and 
BTM vs. melee/HtH damage. User's wt. Increases by 5%
1300 1D6/2 C4 p.18
Skeletal Enhancement, Beta M TBSB Increases Body Type by +2 for Str Feats, Lifting, and 
BTM vs. melee/HtH damage. User's wt. Increases by 
10%. -1ATT 
2800 1D6 C4 p.18
Hemological Replacement M MHR +1 MA &Endurance. Hold breath for 4 minutes. 
Can't take any blood but own. -1 BOD saves vs poison 
and disease.
1300 1D6 C4 p.18
NeoAppendix MA NAPP +2 Wilderness Survival 500 1D6/2 C4 p.19
NanoAuditory Rebuild N NAR Enhanced Hearing and Level Damper as Cyberaudio 
1500 1D6/2 C4 p.20
"Sunblocker" Sunscreen M SS Prevents sunburn and reduces chance of skin cancer 
from UV
250 1 C4 p.20
NeoLungs CR NLNG Hold breath twice as long(10-15 min.) Or breath at half 
1000 1D6 C4 p.21
Neural Bridge MA NBR Can use either hand w/ no penalty. 600 1D6+2 C4 p.22
Circulatory Sphincters MA CS +2 any Stun/Shock Save. No blood loss for Serious 
or greater wound.
3200 1D6 C4 p.22
Poison Glands, Teeth MA POIS Like a snake and casues bite damage. Hallucinogen, 
nausea, or sleep/Biotoxin I
500/1000 3d6 C4 p.23
Poison Glands, Hands MA POIS Poison sacs for wolvers or rippers. Nausea or sleep/
hallucigen/Biotoxin I
500/800/1100 2d6+3 C4 p.23
Tailored Pheromones, Love M TP-L +1 all Seduction skill rolls for specific sex. Nasal filters 
are 60% effective vs. Pheromones.
1000 1D6/2 C4 p.23
Tailored Pheromones, Gulllibility M TP-G +1 Fast Talk/Persuasion. Nasal filters are 60% effective vs. Pheromones 2000 1D6/2 C4 p.23
Tailored Pheromones, Confusion M TP-C Anyone in 1m has -1 INT-based skills and initiative. 
Nasal filters are 60% effective vs. Pheromones
2500 1D6/2 C4 p.23
Secondary Gut MA 2GUT Stores up to 2 days of food. 750 1D6/2 C4 p.24
"Freezeban" Bioconstruct MA FBB Immune to frostbite. +1 Wilderness Survival in 10C 
weather. +3 vs Cryosleep rolls
650 1 C4 p.25
Hemofibrinic Nodes MA HN All wounds are 1 level lower for penalties. 10% chance 
of heart attack.
3000 1D6 C4 p.25
Flashlite Implant M FLI Glows 1m radius from either hands, forearm, or even 
cheeks. Light is visible from 100m away.
290 1-2 C4 p.26
Toxin Screen MA TSCN Detects oral toxins 1-9 on a D10 and triggers vomiting. 3400 1D6/2 C4 p.27
Ileocecal Siphon MA IS Recycles fluid in body for 48 hours in temperate areas, 
24 in hot.
500 1 C4 p.28
Muscle Enhancement N ME +1 BOD for everything but BTM adjustment. 1000 1-2 DS p.60
Thermal Skin Weave N TSW Increases heat resistance by 20CO. 1500 1D6+3 DS p.60
Chem Skin Weave N CHMW Improves Chemical Saves by +4. 8SP vs. Acid attacks. 
Moderate Awareness Test to see it.
2000 1D6+3 DS p.60
Vac Skin Weave MA VACW Strenghtens body against decompression(Must be used 
with other options-see text)
5000 1D6 DS p.60
Rad Skin Weave N RADW Provides radiation protection of 1RSP. 1500 2D6 DS p.60
Reflex Boost N REFB Increases REF stat by +1. Up to a +2, Max REF 11. 
Cannot be combined w/ any boostware
3500/pt. 1D6+3/pt. DS p.60
Enhanced Senses M ESNS Improves one sense( similar to cyber-option) 1200 2/option DS p.60
Nictitating Membrane N NIME Can see underwater in difficult conditions. 
Range 50m.
300 1 F1 p.28

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