Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cyberware: Chipware

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Reflex (APTR) Chip These skill chips require 2dayslevel of practice
before the user gains the skill. Max level of +3.
CP p.83
Swimming(BODY) 100/level
Archery(REFLEX) 300/level
Dance(REFLEX) 150/level
Driving(REFLEX) 150/level
Fencing(REFLEX) 300/level
Handgun(REFLEX) 300/level
Heavy Weapon(REFLEX) 400/level
Martial Art{choose type}(REFLEX) 350/level
Melee(REFLEX) 150/level
Motorcycle(REFLEX) 150/level
Operate Hvy. Machinery(REFLEX) 200/level
Pilot, Gyro(REFLEX) 300/level
Pilot, Fixed Wing(REFLEX) 300/level
Pilot, Dirigible(REFLEX) 300/level
Pilot, VTV(REFLEX) 350/level
Rifle(REFLEX) 300/level
SMG(REFLEX) 300/level
Aero Tech(TECH) 250/level
AV Tech(TECH) 300/level
Basic Tech(TECH) 200/level
Cryotank Operation(TECH) 150/level
Cyberdeck Design(TECH) 200/level
Cyber Tech(TECH) 300/level
Demolition(TECH) 300/level
Disguise(TECH) 150/level
Electronics(TECH) 150/level
Elect. Security(TECH) 200/level
First Aid(TECH) 150/level
Forgery(TECH) 200/level
Gyro Tech(TECH) 300/level
Pharmaceuticals(TECH) 200/level
Pick Lock(TECH) 150/level
Pick Pocket(TECH) 150/level
Play Instrument(TECH) 150/level
Weaponsmith(TECH) 200/level
Arasaka-Te(REF) 270/level C3 p.38
Thamoc(REF) 270/level C3 p.38

Memory (MRAM) Chips Has no chipping time.Max level of +3. CP p.83
Personal Grooming(ATTR) 100/level
Wardrobe & Style(ATTR) 100/level
Accounting(INT) 150/level
Anthropology(INT) 150/level
Biology(INT) 150/level
Botany(INT) 150/level
Chemistry(INT) 150/level
Education & Gen. Know(INT) 200/level
Expert:{pick a subject}(INT) Ref's Decision
Geology(INT) 150/level
History(INT) 150/level
Know Language{choose}(INT) 200/level
Mathematics(INT) 200/level
Physics(INT) 200/level
Programming(INT) 300/level
Stock Market(INT) 300/level
Wilderness Survival(INT) 200/level
Zoology(INT) 150/level
Daytimer Chip 100

M.O. Chips Contains a partial personality construct of criminal including Police records on their MO. Chance of becoming crininal in behavior. 1200eb C1 p.73
Courier Chips 10 character code causes user to recite
the info on the chip. User has no knowledge of what they recite. Mind goes blank.
600eb C1 p.73
Security Chips Causes chip to be erased(typeI)
or melt(typeII) if someone tries to steal it.
50eb/typeI + base price,
75eb/typeII +base price
C1 p.73
Digi-tone ID Can tell what number was dialed if
listen to. Number can be displayed via TimeSquare or Skinwatch.
70eb C1 p.73
Special Operative Chip Provides Language+1, Specific Know(Geography)+1, and your choice of Wilderness Survival+1, Specific Know(police practises)+1, Culture+1, or Specific know(military organization)+1 for the country in question. 900eb C1 p.73
Poser Impersonation Chip These chips provide all info on your role model.
For an extra 200 it gives you nervous twitches. Gain Specific Know{subject
900-1100eb C1 p.73
PhotoMemory RAM Chip Holds 24 hours worth of memories. +2 INT when trying to remember. Rerocrdable. 1600eb C1 p.74
Memory Compression Able to hold 3 skills up to a +3 bonus for all skills(3 +1 skills). Must be either MRAM or APTR, can't be mixed. Counts as 1 chip toward usable chips. base price + 200-400eb C1 p.74
Programmable Chipware Simple job routine and company policies
can be recorded;. Doesn't provide a skill. Need CPM to record chip.
50/chip, or 400/10 chips
and 1000 for CPM
C1 p.74
Mind Games Playing games in your head. 40/game C1 p.74
Business Trip Chip Provides its user w/ Language+1, Culture+1, and a choice of Wardrobe & Style+1 or Business Law+1 as the country they need. 800 C1 p.74
Tourism Chip Customs, laws and points of interest in country they are chipped for. Language+1, Culture+1, and Gen. Know+1. 750 C1 p.74
Space Chip Provides Basic knowledge of space survival. Space Survival+2 and Highrider Culture+1. 900 C1 p.74
Maximum Lover Chip +2 Seducation rolls. Needs TimeSqare or Cyberaudio to gain bonus. 1300 C1 p.74
Stress Chip +1 COOL vs combat morale.
Also +1 EMP vs human interaction skill rolls.
350 C1 p.75
Adrenaline/Endorphin Surge Ignore sleep and food for 48hrs. Skill penalties for wounds are ignored except head wounds. Must sleep 2 hrs for every hr past. Adrenaline effect: BOD increases for BTM, stun saves, and skill rolls. Lasts for 1 minute/use. 3/day. 800 C1 p.75
Increased Neural Feedback Option Learn APTR in half the time. Chip burns out in 24 hours. normal APTR + 400 C1 p.75
Ambidexterity Chip No penalty for using both hands on the same target. If you have 2 cybereye for an extra
250 be able to use hands indepently for 2 targets.
800/1050 C1 p.75
DeathTrance Goes into a trance. Takes 1-3 minutes to take effect. 25+ vs Medtech to be sure they're not dead. 1000 C1 p.75
Redundancy Loop Causes APTR to screw up at crucial moments. Ref determines when. 50-75% of skill chip C1 p.75
"Fish'n'Chips" Dietary chip. Keeps your figure intact 85 C1 p.75
Visual Recognition Chips(Techie) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip. For IDing circuits, parts, tools, manufacturer, etc.
100/level Max +3 C1 p.76
Visual Recognition Chips(Corporate Officer) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip.Recognition of corp officiers, documents, and other operations. Quarterly update are 50/level.
100/level Max +3 C1 p.76
Visual Recognition Chips(Police) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip.IDs criminals and licenses. References hot sheets and APBs, etc. Daily/weekly updates 1 time fee of 2.5xnormal, plus update terminal for 10,000eb
200/level Max +3 C1 p.76
Visual Recognition Chips(Military) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip.Uniform and unit recognition. Weapon/vehicle specs from silhouette ID's.
100/level Max +3 C1 p.76
Visual Recognition Chips(Rocker) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip.Identify certain instruments, recognize songs(w/cyberaudio). 50eb update 1/year.
100l/evel Max +3 C1 p.76
Visual Recognition Chips(Secretarial) Need TimeSqaure Plus. Roll INT+chip+
(any applicable Specif. Know.) vs. Diff depending on chip.Files faces, cross references names, index birthdates, personal data, previous appointments, letters on file, and 100,000 phone numbers can be referenced.
100/level Max +3 C1 p.76
"Somaware" Sleep Induction chip Brings character into a nromal sleep in 25 seconds. This is not like Sleeep Inducer, the character can wake up. Chance of becoming addicted to it. 400 C3 p.37
Navgationi/Orientation Chip Must have Phone Splice or Radio Link.
True earth position w/in 5m thru TimeSquare or Subdermal Screen. For 100eb add contour map of major cities..
250/350 C3 p.37
Crypto Chip Comes in sets of 2, 4, 6, and 8. Causes people to talk to each other in code that sounds like gibberish. 600/pair C3 p.37
Stutter Chipping Can select friendlies when using smartgun not to hit them. 310 C3 p.38
Auditory Recognition Chips Must have Amplified Hearing and Sound
Editing. AS VR chips(see above) but with audio. Comes in Techie, Corporate, Military, and Rocker.
150/level up to +2 C3 p.39
Shape Recognition Chipware Picks out object in a crowd. Needs to
be programmed for what objects are to be.
Requires TimeSquare Plus.
500 C4 p.15
Facedown Chip +1 bonus on facedown rolls. 150 C4 p.16
Home Chip Behavior chip causes users to make COOL rolls to stay out. Mainly used by PD. 940 C4 p.16
Speedreading chip Requires cyberoptics.
Halves reading time up to 6 INT.
1/3 time for Pcs with higher INT.
250 C4 p.16
Dream Suppressant Chip Causes no dreams.
After 1 week character starts lossing EMP.
300 C4 p.16

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