Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cyberware: Cyber Limbs

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Cyberarm CR - Standard arm replacement (4 options) 3,000 2D6 CP p.89
Cyberleg CR - Standard leg replacement (3 options) 2,000 2D6 CP p.89
Quick Change Mount N QC Allows 1 turn changing of cyberwear 200 2 CP p.89
Hydraulic Rams N HRAM Increase limb SDP to 30, 3x normal damage 200 3 CP p.89
Thickened Myomar N THK Increase limb SDP to 25, 2x normal damage 250 2 CP p.89
Reinforced Joints N RJ Increase limb SDP by +5 200 1 CP p.89
Artificial Shoulder Mount  CR ASHO Mount extra arms(2) below first set, 1 only 1,500 2D6 CP p.89
Microwave/EMP Shielding N MSR Limb unaffected by Microwave side effects 300 1 CP p.89
Plastic Covering N PSTK In colors, transparent, etc. 1-200 1 CP p.89
Realskinn N REAL Limb looks real (DIFF task), Lowers HC 
by D6/2
200 - CP p.89
Superchrome N SUPR Highgloss metallic covering 200 3 CP p.89
Armor N ARM Armors Cyberlimb to SP 20 200 D6 CP p.89
Derringer N DR Cyberhand option.(P*1*P*E*1D6*2*2*ST*50m) 220 1D6 CH1 p.36
Flashbulb N FB 4m diam. cone w/ a 6m range. Target Diff REF 
roll or Near Imposible  COOL to avoid convulsions 
for D6 minutes. Anti dazzle is immune
250 1D6/2 CH1 p.35
Gas Jet N GJ 2 m range. 6 use capacity. Maybe filled with any type 
of gas. 1 option
275 1D6+3 CH1 p.34
Icer N ICE CO2 fire extinguisher. 2m range. Diff REF roll or 
blind for D3 rounds
200 1D6/2 CH1 p.36
Limb Link N LL Takes 1 option. Turns pop-up gun into Smartgun 
(+!). Don't need link.
100 1 CH1 p.34
Magnetic Feet/Hands N MF/H Electrostaic adhesive allows walking on walls & 
ceiling in Space
60/pair 0 CH1 p.34
Watch-Man N WM 7.5cm x 5cm screen. Takes 1 option. 180 1 CH1 p.33
Whip N WHIP 2.2 m 1D6/2 damage, strangle for D6/round
(Escape roll vs 20).  Takes 1 option
475/arm 2D6 CH1 p.34
Winch N WINC 15m cable. Capable of pulling up to 1 ton. Must have
linear frame to do it. Takes all options.
500 1D6+3 CH2 p.5
QuickDraw Armholster N QDA Any light pistol(P conc.) or knife launches into hand. 
+2 Initiative. 1 option
200 0 CH2 p.6
Leg Boosters N LBT 2 option. Bought in pair. +3m leap. +5 SDP. Always 
lands on feet w/ a jump.
500 1D6 CH3 p.24
Romanova Cyberlegs CR ROM As normal cyberlegs. Adds 4-5 inches to height. 
+1 Wardrobe & Style
5,000/pair 2D6 CH3 p.31
SuperSized Arms  CR SSA 2D10 crushing, 3D6 punching, SP 20, SDP 30. 
REF -2 w arm, EV -1, +1 Rep
4-5,000 2D6 CH3 p.25
Extra Twist Joint Addition N EYJA Joint is able to move anywhere. +2 REF/MA 
athletic rolls, +2 Grapple & Escape
+30% of limb;+10%/
extra joint
0 CH4 p.3
Corvette Cyberlegs (basic) CR CCb +3 MA, +1 to maneuver rolls, +4 kick damage. 
All options.
4,500 3D6 CH4 p.5
Corvette Cyberlegs(advance) CR (M) CCa +8MA, +2 to maneuver rolls, +4 kick damage. All options  
(parenthesis shows cost for upgrading)
5,000 (500) 3D6+4 CH4 p.5
Extending Leg Units N ELU -1' or +2' to legs(+1MA). Uses 2 options. Can't be used 
with other modification
400 4 CH4 p.6
Double-jointed N DBJ +1 Grapple, Hold, and Choke. +1 Escaping/joint. 
Occupies option
1,000 1D6/2 CH4 p.6
Locking Joints N LOCK Very Diff (25)to move. -1REF/ joint locked up. option. 100 0.5 CH4 p.6
360 Rotating Joint N ROTJ +1 Escaping bindings or making TECH rolls in confined 
spaces. option
120 2 CH4 p.6
Soviet Cyber arm CR SVAR (50% of extra D6 HC &-1 ATTR). 2 opitons. SDP 40. 
3D6 punch, 2D10 crush
669 2D6 CH4 p.7
Soviet Cyber leg CR SVLG (50% of extra D6 HC &-1 ATTR). 2 options. SDP 40. 
3D10 kick
875 2D6 CH4 p.7
Speeding Bullet CR SBLT Increases MA to 16. Leaps can be made up to 10m. Pairs only

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