Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Di'n'Lyte scenario (for a con)

Di'n'Lyte uses the Night's Edge supplement by Ianus Publication Inc. The party is being attacked by an unknown enemy and must find out who before it's too late.
This scenario contains vampires (the real blood-sucking, magic-power using creatures of the dark). I ran this game at convention and created characters (PCs) specifically for this scenario (see end of post). The party is a rock'n'roll band, Di'n'Lyte, about to play a major gig that will lead them to bigger offers. The only problem is that a vampire has fallen in love with the character Di. He had sent some of his minions to contact her, but they weren't very persuasive. The adventure begins the night the band opens for the major band Circuit. After the band is finished, they are watching Circuit play when a music executive. makes them an offer-- to make a demo and maybe get a chip contract. After that the party is attacked by more vampire minions. The party will find clues leading them to a bar called The Kiss. The chip offer is also a way in which the vampire will make contact with Di. The vampire's offer: Di must join him forever or all of the band members are to die.
Referees just need to do a little adjusting to suit the players if they want to play their own characters.
"All of you are part of the group Di 'n' Lyte. You have played a few small time clubs in the Night City area and have slowly made a name for yourselves. Things were going alright, except for an incident last week when a couple of goth posers started a fight with Stack. Nothing serious happened. Then Cory fixed you up with a sweet deal.
"You are one of two opening bands for the head-lining band Circuit. The band that went before you was another small-time band named Jimmy's Muscle. This is the first major gig the band has had. Supposedly there is a music industry scout in the audience, and opening for Circuit could be the start of the band's major career. Circuit is a hot new group that's being heard around the world and they've given you a chance at opening for the first show of their U.S. Tour. The show starts and you're already to kick ass. You perform for an hour doing some your original material, maybe one or two covers."  
Make a roll adding Perform, Play Instrument, and/or Composition divided by 2. A Diff of 15: you entertain the audience, Diff 20: the crowd likes you, Diff 25: the crowd goes wild for them, Diff 30: the band is called for an encore.
When you get off stage an are invited to Circuit's afterparty. So all of you shower, shit, and shave and head out to the VIP seating to watch Circuit perform. You meet members of Jimmy's Muscle and they congratulat you on a good show. You watch Circuit and mingle with the VIP crowd, which consists of Circuit hangers-ons and lackeys.
"Cory is approached by a man who introduces himself as Eric S. Strada from DMS. He hands over his card. He tells you that he's really interested in the band and tells you to give him a call tomorrow."
Everyone needs to make Awareness/Notice rolls--the Diff is 25 because of the crowd and noise. Cory needs a 30 because she's talking with Eric. Those who succeed notice a group of 4 goths heading towards Di. Before the band reacts, a bouncer grabs two of them and starts to ask for their passes (Awareness roll to hear this).One of the goths hits the bouncer in the stomach, stunning him, while the other goth pulls a knife and cuts the bouncer's throat. The other two goths charge at Di with Stunners. (The goths were sent to extract Di and are not allowed to harm her in any way.)
The band and the goths roll initiative. Everyone in the VIP section start to scatter away from the dying bouncer.
The VIP section is about 6 meters by 10 meters, overlooking the stage. There are to exits at either end of the room, with a bar in the middle along the wall. There are benches along the walls and no chairs in the middle of the floor. There are about 24 other people here, all are running for the exits. The other bouncers aren't going to be able to get into the room during this fight because of the fleeing crowd.
The goths' plan is simple: stun Di and carry her out; anyone that gets in the way will be knifed. If the party has a hard time with the goths, have the police come in with the Ronin Assault Rifles and lay waste to the vamps. (Note to the Referee: you should not let any of the party go beyond Serious Wound Level because this may cause problems in the final conflict.)
The 4 goth posers are vampires. They need to take 40 points of damage before being incapacitated. Their limbs can take 9 points before becoming useless. After 20 points of damage, for every 2 points more of damage they get a -1 penalty to every action until healed. They make Death Saves(8) but become immobile for d10+10 minutes if they fail the save. Stun Saves are normal. They don't suffer any of the Stat penalties for being wounded. The players must totally destroy, because they won't surrender or give up.
All skill rolls are at 12, BTM is -3, Saves are at 8, and their REF are 8. They are wearing dark armored clothes with SP10, they are armed with Tasers (stun at -2/hit) and Spawn blades(s), a couple of ebs, a wallet with ID (Joe Shmoe 1,2,3,and 4), and a stamp mark on their hands. If players make a successful Streetwise/Streetdeal roll they know that this mark is from the bar The Kiss. It's used to mark people who want to re-enter the bar. Also give a recognizable description of each goth so the player can use it when they investigate at The Kiss.

After the fight, the party has a few moments to search the bodies before the bouncers come in with the police. The police start taking statements and get medical attention to anyone one that needs it. Eric S. Strada  disappeared during the fight.
Di'n'Lyte have a blast at Circuit's party and probably all wake up with hangovers. 

If the party does any research they will find out that Eric S. Strada is a Music Exec at DMS. A Streetdeal roll will tell the party member that Strada signed up a band last year that became a big hit for one album and then disappeared, another one-hit-wonder that came and went with no memory of why people listen to them. No one knows what became of them or where they are now.(A blood sucker got them, but the party will never find out. It's a good red herring for the party to follow until they get to the dead end.)
When they call Strada, he will be in his office and want the party to come on down to DMS so he can show them DMS's facilities. If the party goes to DMS, Strada will show them around. He will also discuss the deal. First he needs them to make a demo. They'll will have access to the DMS studio for this. Strada will deduct the demo cost from their record contract when it comes through. The party needs to make Perform and/or Play Instrument rolls when they make the demo. Also the party should make a Human Perception roll vs. a Diff of 20 to notice that Strada is holding something back and is anxious. Once they have a demo, Strada tells the party he needs to take the demo to his bosses to get the go-ahead to start laying down track for their first professional music chip. This will take him a day or so, so the party is let loose into the world.
The next day the party will get a call from Strada. If the party calls him before this they will not be able to get in touch with him, but may to leave a voice mail.
Strada will tell the party that his boss gave him the go ahead for Di 'n' Lyte to start laying down tracks. Strada will arrange for some studio time right away. When the party gets have them make some more Perform/Play Instrument rolls. After a day's worth of playing, they will have 1 or 2 songs done and some others started. The creation of the album will take a while. After the first day Strada tells the group that they're invited to a party in three days to meet some of the other bands and execs from DMS. This will be a get-to-know-DMS party for the group. Hob-knob stuff. The players should make a Human Perception roll to notice that Strada is anxious while inviting them to the party and relieved when they accept.
The next couple of days the party will be laying down more tracks (make more rolls). The night before the party they will encounter a little snag (see part 4).
This part has two sections: during the day and during the night, depending on when the band approaches.
If the players do any research, they will find out that the Kiss is owned by Alan Kenny Algoth. It is THE main hang out for goths and vamps in the Night City area. It has been there since Night City was built back at the turn of the millennium, still with the original owner. Algoth is known to be a recluse and lives out in Beaverville (the burbs for Night City). The party will not be able to get in contact with Algoth. Algoth is a net junkie and his house is a death trap with attack remotes. If the party does decide to pay Algoth a visit, he won't be too pleased. Algoth is a borderline cyberpycho and will kill the party if they come onto his property (and he has the law behind him on this one. Trespassing is taken very seriously in the burbs). You can have the party fight an army of armored drones armed with assault rifles. If the party survives, good for them, but Algoth will be making a run against the NCPD datafort to place the band members' pictures into the CSWAT most-wanted file. He will then call CSWAT and then the party is seriously in trouble.
A. The Kiss during the day has a few patrons. The general atmosphere is dark and cold. The space is very confining. The Kiss is a series of small 4 meter by 4 meter rooms linked together, with three entrances in each room. There are 12 (3x4 layout) rooms on the bottom floor and 9 (3x3 layout) upstairs. The first floor is connected to the second floor by spiral stairs in 4 of the rooms. There are bars in the 4 corner rooms on both floors. The main entrance is on the first floor through the middle of the three row part of the building. There is a  basement but the party should not be able to get access to it, no matter what.
When the party goes into The Kiss during the day there will be about 11 people there, and 3 of the bars are opened (2 downstairs, 1 upstairs). If the party ask about the goths, they will get nowhere, but have the party make some interview, interrogate, or intimidate rolls depending on how the party approaches the bartenders/patrons. They can also make some Human Perception rolls to tell if the people they are talking to are holding back anything. If they roll over a 25 they will tell that the person is nervous, mainly because they'll think the group are cops (and everyone has something to hide in Night City).
B. The Kiss during the night will be packed. The goths start showing up a little after the sun goes down and stay until a few minutes before dawn. In the future, the world never sleeps and bars never close (no more moral barriers in the dark future). The party will look out of place unless they dress up like goths (make some Wardrobe/Style {I knew there was a use for this skill} rolls: Diff 15 to be passable, 20 or better any they get complements) If the players aren't dressed for the occasion they will find it near impossible to get anything from the patrons (Diff 40 vs. Social skills). For the bartenders, the Diff is 30. If they're dressed properly, then the Diff are lowered by 10 (if they were successful with their dress rolls). But they must throw down some money for any answers from the bartenders. If the party succeeds, they will be directed to a waitress that was working that night.
If the party offers her money, she will explain that she remembers the goths, and that they were approached by a suit. Saw all of them leave together soon after, never saw them again. She never saw the suit before and if the party gives her a description of Strada she'll be clueless. The players can make a Human perception roll to see if she's holding back anything (which she won't be). They will notice that she is anxious on a roll of 20 or better (the party is keeping her away from customers and their tips). She doesn't know anything else. The party can make Awareness/Notice rolls; with a 30 they see a gentleman watching them the whole time they are in the bar.
When the party leaves they can make Awareness/notice rolls to see that they are being followed. Depending on what the players do, they will be confront by a gang of 5 goths. The goths are to beat the hell out of the party (except Di, of course). These guys are normal mortals. Once 3 of them are dead, the rest must make COOL rolls vs 15 or the remaining two try and escape. If the party stuns any of them, the goths will tell them some guy offered them a G each to rough the players up--except Di. The goths also tell them the guy was wearing a dark red trench coat and had long black hair with a strip on the left side. After the goth reveals, this he dies by a gun shot to the head. The gun shot was silenced and the players need to make a Awareness/Notice roll vs Diff 20 to get a general area where the shot came from. If they succeed, they notice a shadow running away. They won't be able to catch the culprit but have the players make a roll any ways to make them feel like they had a chance.
If the players go back to The Kiss and ask about a man describe as the Goth said, have the players make either a Interview, Seduction, or a Social skill roll vs.15. If they are successful one of the Bartenders will say he knows him.
The bartender will tell them "You know that gato. He's a fixer by the name of Nightshade. He was here earlier tonight but he isn't that big of a regular. You can find him over at Jilly's Jiggle strip joint. He dates one of the dancers over there, her names Lil. If you want I can give ya a call when Nightshade comes in again."
Goths: BOD 7, REF 7, COOL 8. Skills rolls are 12 plus a d10. They are armed with chainrippers and armored with SP14 for all location except head. They don't have any of the money they talked about.
Anytime the players are on the street, the Ref should make a secret Awareness/Notice roll vs. Diff of 25. If the roll succeeds then the party knows they are being followed. They are being followed by a vampire hunter named Marcus Gilmen a.k.a Stake. Marcus is on the trail of a vampire and knows Di is his next victim. He doesn't know where he can find the vampire or who the vampire is. Marcus knows that there is a vampire involved with The Kiss and who uses the patrons to do his bidding. Marcus wants to keep his distance from the party until he can find the vampire by watching them.
Marcus is the one who killed the Goth with the silenced shot outside of The Kiss. There is one thing Marcus can't stand besides vampires--and that is mortals who pretend they are those evil black creatures. Marcus will be heading to Jilly's Jiggle to confront Nightshade before the party will be able to talk to him.
The night before the big party, the players will get a call from Marcus. Marcus will not tell the party who he is, only that he knows things that will help them. They need to come to his apartment's address to discuss this further if they want to live. Marcus won't give them any more info over the phone. If the party goes to his apartment they will find it broken into. They will discover the corpse of Marcus with all his blood drained from him. The party will also find the room with a few pictures of the the band, some pictures of The Kiss, and some of different Goths. There is also a small portable computer--smashed. Players can make a Jury Rig roll vs. Diff of 25 to be able to access any information on the computer. If the player succeeds they will find information about a vampire in Night Cit: news reports of victims with their blood totally drained from their bodies, eye witness accounts of a man able to fly, stop bullets from hitting him, throwing lightning, and other bizarre events. There is also a couple of Handguns, an SMG, and a Ramjet Rifle.
If the band doesn't go to the Kiss, then the players will be attacked at their apartments by the same Goths from part 3. All the players except Di will be attacked to the death unless, as stated above, they're stunned, in which case they will reveal that they were hired by a corp to have the band members killed and the Goths will die the same way as above once they reveal this.

Now the party and final encounter with Gunther Harrington, the very old vampire that has fallen in love with Di. The house they go to is in a well-secured area in the burbs. There will be guards at the driveway gates ushering guests in. The players can make a Awareness/notice rolls vs Diff 20 to know there isn't a party going on yet. When the players go to the door, Strada will answer it and invite them in. Eric will tell the players that they are early and that Mr Harrington wants to talk to them before the rest of the guests start showing up. He will then offer them drinks and heads into a very large living room with a staircase and balcony. Strada will fix the party a bunch of drinks and tell them to make themselves comfortable and that Harrington will be down in a few minutes.
After a little while the band should make Awareness/Notice roll vs Diff 20 to hear someone coming into the front door (on a 25 they hear there is more than one person there). A group of Goths come walking into the living room. Strada is uneasy; the party can make Human Perception vs 15 to notice this. Those players who took drinks should make a Resist Torture/Drugs vs 15. If they fail they are at a -5 penalty to all rolls. If the players are dumbfounded then they're in for a world of hurt.
At the same time the Goths come walking in Harrington will be coming down the stairs. The first person to do something will be the first one hit with Harrington'es power (Lightning is the best effect to cow the party). Once this happens Harrington will tell the party that he wishes Di to join him as his consort and he will spare the rest of the party's lives. If the party starts anything the Goths will try to incapacitate the party (they were instructed to do so). Strada will hide behind the bar until the whole thing is over, and Strada is out to kill everyone but Di. This is the final conflict and should be a bloody fight.
4 goth posers (They are vampires. They need to take 40 points of damage before being incapacitated. Their limbs can take 9 points before becoming useless. After 20 points of damage for every 2 points more of damage they get a -1 penalty to every action until healed. They make Death Saves(8) but become immobile for d10+10 minutes if they fail the save. Stun Saves are normal. They don't suffer any of the Stat penalties for being wounded. The players must totally destroy, because they won't surrender or give up.
They still make stun saves. All skill rolls are at 12, BTM is -3, Saves are at 8, and their REF are 8. They are wearing dark armored clothes with SP10, they are armed with Tasers (stun at -2/hit) and Spawn blades().
Eric S Strada
Skills: Resources7(16), Personal Grooming 4(12), Wardrobe & Style 5(13), Interrogation 3(12), Intimidate3(12), Streetwise 4(13), Human Perception 6(10), Interview 7(11), Social 4(8), Persuasion 8(12), Awareness/Notice 6(15), Athletics 4(10), Handgun 3(9)
Cyberware: Neural Processor, Cell Splice, Nanosurgeons

Possessions: Good clothes, Nice apartment in Corp zone, Cell phone, Armored jacket(SP14 arms/torso), E-book w/modem

Personality: A real weasel and toady to Harrington.

Gunther Harrington
(CORP INT-14 REF- 12 TECH-3 COOL-8 ATTR-8 LUCK-5 MA-8 BODY-6/10 EMP-4 PSY- 14 Age level:5
BTM:-4 SAVE:15 SP: 8/Location Age:543 Apparent Age28
Skills: Resource 10(24), Personal Grooming 10(18), Wardrobe & Style10(18), Endurance 5(15), Strength Feat 5(15), Interrogate 4(12), Intimidate 10(18), Oratory 7(15), Streetwise 7(15), Human Perception 7(11), Leadership 10(14), Seduction10(14), Social 7(11), Persuasion 7(11), Accounting 6(20), Awareness/Notice 7(21), Education & Gen. Know. 10(24), Hide/Evade 5(19), History 8(22),Languages: Latin 10(24), German 10(24), English 10(24), Streetspeak 6(20), Library Search 6(20), Mathematics 2(16), Shadow/Track 10(24), Stock Market 10(24), Teaching 10(24), Wilderness Survival 8(22), Archery 8(20), Athletics 5(17), Brawling 3(15), Dance 4(16), Dodge & Escape 5(17), Fencing 8(20), Handgun 6(18), Aikido 8(20), Melee 2(14), Driving 5(17), Pilot(Gyro) 3(15), Pilot(Fixed Wing) 3(15), Pilot(Vect. Thrust Vehicle) 4(16), Rifle 5(17), Stealth 10(22), SMG 5(17), Disguise 10(13), Elect. Security 6(9), Forgery 9(12), Paint 5(8), Pick Lock 10(13), Pick Pocket 4(7), Play Instrument 5(8)

Powers: Mental 3(17), Charm 7(21), Mania 7(21), Telepathy 7(21), Teleport 7(21), Pyschokinesis 7(21), Mnemonic 7(21), Kinesis 7(21), Electrokinesis 4(17)

Cyberware: None
Possessions: Anything He wants. He is owner of a mega corporation and has unlimited funds.
Quirks:Destruction by immersion in holy water, Fear of crosses, Must sleep in coffins, can't enter churches, +3 Mental, +3 Electrokinesis.
Personality: Gunther was a nobleman in the medieval era. He's the epitome of rich aristocracy.

 --edited and reorganized by GBP

Book and Movie List

These are books and movies that would be easy to translate into a Cyberpunk scenario. Some don't have a Cyberpunk look, but they can be adapted to cyberpunk very easily (i.e. Barbarians at the Gate is about a corporate takeover; simply add a black ops team to it). If anyone has their own suggestions.




Cyberware: Cyber Limbs: Cyber Weapons

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Cyber Weapons
Grenade launcher N GLN Weapon. Carries 1 grenade of any type 500 2D6 CP p.92
Micro-Missile Launcher N MML Weapon. Fires 4 mini-missiles, 4D6 damage each 900 2D6 CP p.91
Pop up Gun N PUG Weapon. Size based on Body Type 2-800 2D6 CP p.91
Flame Thrower N FTH Weapon. Damage 2D6 1st turn, D6/2 2 turns after 600 2D6 CP p.91
Weapon Mount & Link N WML Mounting plate plus neural link for 1 weapon 100 3 CP p.92
2-shot Capacitor Laser N LSR Shoulder mounted. As a laser. Only smaller, 3D6 damage 800 2D6 CP p.92
Chain Ripp N CHR 3D6 AP, Soft armor reduced 2SP/hit. 2 options 1,250 2D6+4 CH3 p.29
BigRipp M BRPP 2D6 AP damage. Breaks on 1-3(D10) for parries. Mounted forearm breaks on a 1 850 3D6+1 CH4 p.11
High Five, aka the Palm Bomb N HFPB Uses 12ga. Shot or .477(AP 5D6 damage). Triggered by physical contact. 355 1D6+3 CH4 p.11
Arc-Thrower M ATHR Uses all options. EX 0 na R 3D6 4 1 ST 10m. Damage real, stun. Cyberwareis down for 1D6/2 minutes. 1050 2D6 CH4 p.12

Cyberware: Cyber Limbs: Built-ins

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.


AV Tape Recorder N AVR2 2 hours micro cassette storage, needs ext. Pickup 250 1 CP p.91
Cybermodem N CMD Built in "cyberdeck". 5,000 for Cellular 3,000 1 CP p.90
Digital Recorder N DGRC Digital Chip recorder. Must download or erase chip 300 1 CP p.91
Storage Space N STR 2"x6" storage space. Can be locked 50 0.5 CP p.91
Mini-Cam N CAM Pop up Digital Camera (20 shots) 200 2 CP p.91
Mini-Vid N MVID Pop up Mini video (30 minutes) 400 2 CP p.91
Hidden Holster N HOL Weapon size based on Body Type 100 1 CP p.91
LCD Screen Readout N LCD Can be linked to any output device 200 1 CP p.91
Techscanner N TKSN Similar to scanner on CP p.59 400 3 CP p.91

Cyberware: Cyber Limbs: Digits

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Dartgun DG N 3m range similar to cyberoptic weapon. 100 2 CH1 p.32
Lockpick LP N B&E tool 50 0.5 CH1 p.32
Light Pen PEN N Used to write on computer screens and graphic tablets 45 0.5 CH1 p.32
Mini Light ML N 25m range. Batteries last for 12 hrs (1 eb replace) 25 0.5 CH1 p.32
Finger Bomb* BOM N 2D6+3 in 3m dia.  150 2 CH1 p.32
Scissors/Wirecutters SCR N Index and middle finger. D6/3 for damage 50 1 CH1 p.32
Mace Sprayer MS N 2 bursts (-4 REF + Aware for D6 rds) Avg. Diff to hit face if targets surprised, Very Diff if not 150 2 CH1 p.32
Quick Change QC N Changes finger mount to accept any finger. 20 eb to modify a finger. 150 1 CH2 p.4
Vidcam VID N transmit to Video Imager. 1 option-IR 200eb, Lowlite 100eb, or Teleoptics(10x) 225eb 2 CH2 p.4
Self-Propelled Grenade SPG N 7m range. 2D6 damage in 2m diameter. 25 eb for replacement grenades  200 2 CH2 p.4
Air Hypo AH N 4 injections. 3 eb. For replacement air. 200 1 CH2 p.4
Tracking Device TD N Tracking upto 3km transmitting thru Time Square. 2 tracer bugs w/ range of 3m. Exytra bugs 10eb each. 0.5 CH2 p.4
Lighter LT N 2 hour flame, refills 1 eb. Each. 25 2 CH2 p.4
Probe Link PL N Interface plug for machine, ven=hicale, or dataterm. -1 control vehicale. No Quick mount. 150 0.5 CH3 p.22
Parabolic Microphone MIC N Only usable with a full cyberarm. Directional microphone. 350 2 CH3 p.22
Flasher FLH N 1-use bulb(25 eb). REF vs.Diff(20) or -4 blinded for 1 minute. 250 1 CH3 p.22
IR/UV Flashlight I/UF N 10m range. Designed to use w/ passive IR & UV cyberoptics or imaging systems. 200 1 CH3 p.22
Flare FLR N Illuminates 25m dia. 15 eb for replacement. 35m range and damage is 1D6/2 for 2 rds.  200 2 CH3 p.22
Storage Compartment SC N Small storage space. 75 0.5 CH3 p.22
Laser Pointer LSRP N 20m range. 150 0.5 CH3 p.22
Flesh Mount FM M Mount to a meat hand. Can be combined with Quick Change Mount 100 1 CH4 p.4
One-Shot Special* OSS N 5mm gun (P -2 P E 1D6 1 1 ST 20m) 250 2 CH4 p.4
Ballpoint Finger BPF N Ink pen. Leak proof, Can be used in water and zero-G. Refills 2 eb. 25 0.5 CH4 p.4

Cyberware: Cyber Limbs: Hands & Feet

This contains all the cyberware from Cyberpunk 2020, The Chrome Berets, Chrome 2 , Chrome Compilation 3 and 4, Corp, Firestorm, Listen Up....., Deep Space, SOF 1+2, and Eurosource.

Standard Hand N STD Resembles normal hand 150 0 CP p.90
Ripper Hand N RPH Rippers built into hand 600 2D6 CP p.90
HammerHand N HAM Hydraulic Ram fist does D10 damage 600 2D6 CP p.90
BuzzHand N BUZ Wire circular saw, 2D6+2 damage, soft armor reduced 600 2D6 CP p.90
Tool Hand N TOL Fingers contain screwdriver, wrench, small drill, etc. 200 2 CP p.90
Grapple Hand N GRP Extends rocket-propelled grapple, 100' line 350 3 CP p.90
Extension Hand N EXT Hand extends on collapsible sleeve up to 1m.  350 2 CP p.90
Spike Hand N SPK Palm spike extends thru fingers, D6+3 AP damage 500 2D6 CP p.90
Modular Hand N MOD Choose any 4 modular tools 600 2 CP p.90
Standard Foot N STDF Resembles a normal foot 200 0 CP p.90
Talon Foot N TAL Extends toe blades, D6 damage(AP=knife) 600 2D6 CP p.90
Tool Foot N TOLF Toes contain screwdriver, wrench, small drill, etc. 300 2 CP p.90
Web Foot N WEB Double swimming speed, +3 Swimming skill 500 2 CP p.90
Grip Foot N GRPF Designed for better gripping strength, +2 to climb task 500 2 CP p.90
Spike Heel Foot N SPKF Heel spike for climbing or lethal kicks, 2D6 AP damage 500 2D6 CP p.90
Skate Foot N SKT 20+ MA effectively. Must have Skating or Athletics skills to use 440 1D6 CH1 p.33
Cyberhand (by itself) MA HAND 7SDP to cripple & 10 to destroy. 1option. Coatings are extra 750+options 1D6 CH1 p.31
Mace Hand N MACE 2D6+1 damage. 1m range. -2 REF w/ hand 300 3 CH1 p.36
Anchoring Cyberfeet N ANCH Takes 2 options. Penetrates up to SP 12. Use 4 times before replacing spike. 120 3 CH2 p.5
Custom Cyberhands N CUSH Double-jointed to give +1 to Dodge/Escape rolls 900 0 CH2 p.5
Tri-Dart Launcher N TDL Launches 3 darts. D6/2 damage(SP 1/3rd). Can be poison or drugged. ROF 3 300 1D6/2 CH2 p.6
Web Hand  N WEB +2 Swimming (+1 if combined w/ web feet), +1-2m/round movement. 250 2 CH3 p.26
Smartplate Link N SGUN As smartgun with no plugs. Must have cyberhand. 3x weapon cost. 300 0 CH3 p.23
Medical Modular Hand N MMH 5 medical instruments. 975 1D6/2 CH4 p.5
(As above but meat arm) MA MMH as above 975 1D6+2 CH4 p.5
Stealth Foot N STF +1 to Stealth rolls(can't be combined with web, anchoring, or detector foot) 150 1 CH4 p.5
IEC Venomhand N VH Needle in each finger with it's own reservoir of drugs. damage, up to SP10 pentration. 600 2D6 CR1 p.70